Picayune is a dormouse that dreams of adventure, but doesn't think he could go. When his friend goes missing, he goes looking for her. And by the end, discovers he could have always gone, all he had to do is believe.
Picayune travels to his friend Lacer's village, to inform them what has happened. They are forced to participate in the race his friend would have to bring honor to his clan.
Now that the elves are safe, John, Diane, Jean-Luc, and Cat are going to help a man they met to reclaim his lands from the lizard men of the south and look for their lost friend Robert, who jumped through a portal while chasing the mysterious man that caused the problems in the first place.
Trapped in a "pocket dimension", as Lumadian calls it, John and his friend must figure out the troubles of a blighted land without their gifted powers and, at the same time, discover the nature of the were-creature stalking them.
After escaping the pocket dimension, John and his friends have another problem to deal with. Healers of the world are disappearing at an alarming rate and it's up to them to stop the problem before Diane disappears.
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